Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What to Do with Thin Soybean Stands

Most corn and soybean fields in the local area have gotten off to a good start. There are some soybean fields that are the exception and a decision on what to do with these fields will need to be made soon.

The thought process on replanting is sometime straight forward where large areas have not emerged. Several of the field I have seen are not quite as straight forward. The stands are thin or rows are missing but there are some beans there. Likely we are seeing the effects of some of the germination problems that were associated with some lots of seeds and difference in some cases of planting depth from row to row.

The first question to answer is, Is this a fairly even stand. If the stand is even then it is worth doing a stand count and if the population is 75,000-90,000 plants per then the potential of 90% is doable. This stand may require an extra herbicide pass to keep weeds under control, but this type of stand may at this point be best left alone.

If the stand is fairly uneven then a closer evaluation is required. A publication on soybean replanting from Iowa State does a good job of summarizing the stand evaluation process and I would highly recommend taking at look at it. Soybean Replant Decisions.

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