Friday, April 17, 2009

Wet feet affects wheat

The wet weather since mid march has taken wheat back in some areas of fields and in a few cases nearly entire fields. Just a few reminders on evaluating wheat stands.

  1. Plant stand for good yields. We look for a minimum stand of 12 tillers per foot of row, but we like to see 20 or more per foot of row.
  2. Evaluated plant health. If there are low-lying areas in the field or areas with unhealthy-looking plants, remove a few plants from those areas and observe the roots and crowns for discoloration. Gently remove (preferentially by washing) the dirt from the roots, and look for darkish areas or lesions. Healthy roots and crowns typically have a milky-white color, compared to the dark discoloration usually seen on infected roots. Remember, it is not uncommon for the older, lower leaves of the plant to die at this time of the year.
  3. What nitrogen rate should I use. Studies over the last five years have shown that yields were the same or slightly better when a single application occurred at Feekes 6 (first node visible of early stem elongation) compared to initial greenup. To determine N rates consider yield potential N rate = 40 + [1.75 x (yield potential – 50)]

    Based on the equation above and deducting 20 lb from a fall application, we would recommend a spring application of
    - 110 lb N per acre for a yield potential of 100 bu,
    - 90 for 90 bu potential;
    - 70 for a 80 bu potential and
    - 40 lb N per acre for a 60 bu potential.
For more information on nitrogen rates refer to

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