Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Planting Progress 5/12/2010

Planting in the area has been held up by wet weather. Cool temperature have limited the growth of what has been planted but slowly we have seen crop emerge. It seems we are headed for a repeat of the spring of 2009 with a early window and then the rest of the crop planted around Memorial day.

Planting and crop progress at this point:

Corn around the county seems to be about 60% planted. Planting occurred from April 19- to the 24th. The majority of the fields were up as of May 6th with about half in the V1 stage and the rest just spiking through. Stands are generally good but there is some uneven emergence and in one case no emergence with a crusty compacted soil. In doing some digging where plants are not up no rots were noticed and a little warm weather may yet get the un-emerged crop up. Flea beetle activity was very light but with cool temperatures and slow growth this would be something to monitor fields for. As far as frost or in some cases hail damage, the growing point is still well protected below the soil surface until V5-V6. Plant can be completely cut off and will still survive.

Soybean planting is very limited with less than 10% of the crop in. In travels last I saw just one field planted and it was emerging with a good stand. The crop is vulnerable once emerge to hail and freeze injury if the injury kills the top portion of the plant below the cotyledon.

Wheat is progressing toward the boot stage and head emergence and is generally in Feekes stage 9-10. Overall the crop looks good with little disease presence. There has been some significant hail injury in southern Henry County to fields in the path of the storms Friday night. A followup article on this will be available on May 13th.

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