We have seen feed prices increase over the past several years as grain production and forage production compete for acres. On way to increase forage production is to double up on acres and one recommendation that has been productive is planting oats after wheat harvest. OSU Extension Program Assistant, in Fairfield County Stan Smith has worked on this project over the past seven years and has found results of a early August planting resulting in 2-5 tons and pretty consistent 3 plus tons of dry matter. There is a need for a little bit of nitrogen fertilizer 40-50 pounds, a glyphosate application to knock down weeds and 80-100 pounds of seed oats.
The latest issue of the
Beef Cattle Newsletter has a nice article summarizing what Stan has found works best and links to additional information on their work from the past seven years. A few folks have used the practice up this way and generally found it to be a practice worth considering.
Below are a couple photo's from Fairfield County and summer sowed oats.

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